Friday, September 17, 2010
Finnish family estates in the web
Currently there is over 26 000 family estates listed. You can do searches by municipality ("kunta"), village ("kylä"), estate name ("tilanimi") and owners surname ("omistajan sukunimi").
The resulting description (in finnish) has basic data on the estate and in many cases a picture of the last owner. You can copy-paste the descrition to Google Translate in order to get an English version.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Common causes of death in Finnish archives
English | Swedish | Finnish |
shortness of breath | andtäppa | hengenahdistus |
childbirth | bardnsbörd | synnytys |
stomach ache | bukref | vatsanväänne |
(typhoid) | brännsjuka | polte (lavantauti) |
sudden death | bråddöd | äkkikuolema |
pneumonia | bröstfeber | rintakuume |
born dead | dödfödd | kuolleena syntynyt |
cholera | frossa | vilutauti, kolera |
high fever | hetsig feber | korkea kuume |
cough | hosta | yskä |
pleurisy or pneumonia | håll och stygn | rintapisto |
pertussis, whooping cough | kikhosta | hinkuyskä |
cancer | kräfta | syöpä |
smallpox | koppor | isorokko |
diarheall disease | lifsjuka | ripulitauti, vatsatauti |
tuberculosis | lungsot | keuhkotauti |
stomach ache, colic | magref | ähky, mahanpurut |
measles | mässling | tuhkarokko |
typhoid fever | nervfeber | hermokuume (lavantauti) |
unknown disease | oangiven sjukdom | tuntematon sairaus |
dysentery | rödsot | punatauti |
scarlet fever, scarlatina | scharlakansfeber | tulirokko |
stroke | slag | halvaus |
pleurisy or pneumonia | styng | pistos |
weakness | svaghet | heikkous |
abscess, tumor, swelling | svullnad | ajos, turvotus |
pining | trånsjuka | näivetystauti |
typhoid fever | tyfus | lavantauti |
swelling | vattusot | vesitauti, pöhö |
old age | ålder, ålderdom | vanhuus |